Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(378-) que:fion ii, what is the conditionof this aid i deliverance and Dignity? Is the condition of her Deliv ance andP r don; the taking him only under the Notion oî"a Pardoner or Deliverer ? And is the condition of her Dignity, only the Taking it im as a Prince who is Rich and Honourable ? No The condition on her part is the Taking him entirely to all thefeufes, or in all theft Refpe&s,and more even the marry- ing him, and covenanting to be his, as a faithfull fpoufe and Subje& ;. and firft acknowledging what he bath done for her freedom and advancement, then to take him for her Husband andLord, that bathdone this to advance and free her. And while the is faithfull to thismarriage covenant, in the perform- ance, the thall enjoy thefe Benefits but if the forfake him and choofe another, as with him the received her Dignity, to with him the thail lofe them all. So that ex parse 4Elrae here is no room for you& guatenut and dáftiaveifhing. But nowif the QQeftion be intendednot ex parte dilus, or, what is :he condition onher part, but onlywhat is it in him that the re- ceives for her Husband,which Both deliver her ? Why tbn we fay, it is his Ranfom , his love and free mercy,&e And if the Quellionbe,what is it is him that dignifieth ber ? Why d fay, it is his Dignity and Riches of which the participateth ; toge- ther with the fame his free mercy as the Impul vecaufe. And fo (he is Dignifiedby Receiving or marrying him guatemes a Princc,rich and Honourable, and not guatentu a Redeemer on- ly : and the is deliveredby taking him as a Deliverer or Re- deemer, andnot as an honourable Prince. The meaning of all this is no more,but that he doth not redeem her as a Prince, nor dignifie her under the notion of a Redeemer : and fo on his part youmay nnui h. But yet as to the conditionality on her part,, there is no room for daflinjuïfhing at all. For is not thisall that Paul aymsat in fpeaking fo oft of Faith in Relation to Chrifis death and Righteoufnefs, rather then to his Government? to note [what in ('brill receiveddab ju li- fie ] rather then L%'hat refperl ofour aft of f4:th is the condàti on f]And may not this tend town accommodation betweenus in tons Point ? efpeciallywith thole Divines that fay , Faith is taken Relatively,wbenwe are Paid tò be Junified by it;. and it.