Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(379) it is raid, to Imputed to us for Righteorsfnefs ? The Lord enlighten our dark ;underftandings, andgive us love to the Truth and one another. HAving with this I proceed to your Additional Pa- per, which I lately received, and for which I am alto really thankful' to you. But the Anfwer needs not he long. I. You think the 66.716ef. hardly reconcilable with the words cited out of pag,191 . ofthat of Baptifm,Rom.3.25 & .9.But I fee not the lea it appearance of acontradiäicn.Chrilt whom ¡unifying Faith.receives}dots Redeem us by his blood,andnot chiefly by his Principality ; and he (ayes US as aSaviour , and ruleth us as a Ruler,d-c. But that faith which on our part is the condition of our interefi in him & his Beneñes,is the Belie - s'ing in or receiving Christ as Chr'ít , or as he is offered to us intheGofpel(as the Aífenibly in ;Heir Catechifm well exprefs it. Davenant ,Culverwell,Thregmo,ton Mr. 2l rtonofNew England (Cateck p,eg., 9.) and manymore fay as Lin this : but I,wtll not weary you with citations havingbeen fo tedious al- ready. But I am glad to feel you yielding to the Truth, (for it is a weighty Point) as yoel feem in the next words, where you fay that Chrifls, Death is the foie or chiefobjelf ofFaith ae 7kß Rifling. If you yield once that it and his Itieftly Office is not the foie Objed, I will never contendwith you about their Precedency, Which is chief. I have confeffed toyou, that it is a fuller (and ordinarily fiter) phrafe , to fay , )e arejuftified by faithirl his blood, then to fay, We. rejfe(iifledb:) faith in his Covernme;.t, becaufe'it pointeth out Relatively tie caufality in the Object, and not only the conditionality in theAa. But I think whenyou refpeet the Paid, condition efpeciilly , that then it is the fittef fpeech to fay , We are jtsj7ifaed in faith its Chrift. 2. VOur next are all ofother Subjects. The fecond ther Luke I 2.24 import not a denia'1ofTitle in Chr f te judge. The anfwer is obvious 1. He had not that Geri- Ccc 2 fed