Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(3g0) ved Title from men, which was niceffary to him that fhould exercife theplace of a Magiftrate. z. Chrift fpeaks not of SaveraigMty (that he had:) but Mgiffr,tcy (which is diáind from Sovereignty, as being the Executioner ofLewes, which Sovereignty makes, and being under the Law, when the So- vereign qua talee is above them.) 3. His . Interrogation may perhaps be no .N{jation. 4. But the plain anfwer which I hick to is this. Chr+ft.had not then a Title or Right to thee- a&ual exercifeof his power, as to divide Inheritance,:. The General ofan Army to ranforn a Souldier that fhuld dye for Treafon, cloth agree with theKing, the- hewill put hìmfelf in theplaceof that common fouldier fora months time, and will doell his duty, andwill venture his life in tomede fperate fer- vice. Nowduring this timewhile he is in the fouldiers place,,.. the General hath not title to the Aûreal Rult,acc. as before he bad: not becaufe he bath loft it, but becaufe it will not nand withehe Hate .and dutyof a fouldier which he bath volunta, rilyput himfelf in. Yet at the fame time, his Lieutenant Ge- neral and other Officers that have their Commifdìonsall from him do Govern. Sphere : will it follow that becaufe Chriec hadnot Titlebyhinfelf to exercife the place of a Ruler and.. Judge, being then in the frateofa fervent that thereforenow hehath not theScveraignty.? 3 VOur, third is from (ohi.a4. T fuppofe you mean the 1 thirteen!). But little know I howyou, would thence arguewith atykerning ftrength..Chriithath a threefold King- dom. The frit (where he mot# fully Ruleth) is she fouls of ßedicvers. It follows not, that a man that is notof this King- dom, is notof Chrifis Kingdom at all. The Kingdom ofGod. is thus .witlin us. The fecoad is,: The Church Vifible. This theApofe here fpeaks of, and of this Heathens areno mem- bers. ?he third is, Thewhole worldof,n4kisd,whombehath boughtunderhis Dominion, and to be at his Dfpofal (Roan. ;409, ec-,) whoare delivered into his bands, andoverru. led bi'him, and be is their Rightful! King,and. will Judge them .j satluit ling,, and give them, the reward, of. ,Rebellious Sub