Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(3 8 ) ¡as that Would not confent to his a&all Rule, (Luke 19.27f &c.) and not only as Rebels again*God as Creator. If he be not their King, they cannot be judged Rebel:, again* him. Yea the Lawof Nature is flexhis Law , by which he inpart Ruleth them though they know him not, (many knownot the true God ,who yet are partly Ruled by that his Law 7 ) The Jewscrucified their King, though they were Inidels,and knew himnot to be their King. To conclude this Sublet*, I defire youbut to confider, whether there be any inconvenience ap. pearing in the acknowledgement of Chrifts General Domini. on?and whether it be not theplain andfrequent fpeechofSeri- pture ? And on theother fide, whether it maynot be ofdan. gerous confequence, as injurious to Chria, todeny fo great a part of his Dominion ? andmac not Infidels from the guilt of Rebellion again* the Redeemer ? And whether it be not introduced by Pious Divines meetly in heat of Difputation phich ufually carryeth: men into extreams ? efpecially leaft they fhould yield touniverfal Redemption in any kind ? and loft they fbould yield. to the Maglitrates power inReligion. 4.. Your Taft Queftion is about Unverfal Redemption f If it be affirmed that Cbrifi dyedfor every childof Adamconditio, Nally, it Would be well provedfrom Scripture that the procuring of Inch conditional Lawor Covenant, vat the endor drill of Ciorifit death andWhether tbefo interpreting Text: thatfpeat of hie dyingfor 414, wilt not fervefor evaflont toput by the Ar- gumente draft front them toprove Chrilit fatitfartion and me- rit proper to the Ele5I ? &c. Anfwer. i. Though I do not doubt much of the point, yet I haveno mind to meddle with the queftion,as it concerns thofe Pagant that neve heard of Chrift. Not for fear. of any dífadvantage thence ro the eaufe, but t. Becaufe I find God fpeaks fparinglv of thofe towhom he (peaks not : it concerns not us fo much to know his Counfel concerningoilers. 2. Becaufe it is an ill way of Irving to lay the *refs ofall on themolt obfcure point ;, ( as men do, that *tidy more how to- filence an adverfary, then to fee. theTruth ) and toprove okfettramper 417:trio z. This is &point that I cannot give you my thoughts of in a few words s. thereneeds fo much for Explication ; and therefore cCc 3