(;8z) being but here touched, I (hall forbear. 3. I doubt not but to prove abundantly from Scripture with muchevidence what 1 affert in this. 4. It was not the only, nor the firft effect of hisDeath, that Chrift was [ Satisfaáion to Gods Mice for the yielation of the ] 5. That filch a conditional Law or Covenant is granted , and exftant in Scripture, is as plain as molt points in the Gofpel : and fure no fuch thing canbe but upon Chrifts death as the meritorious eaufe. 6. So interpret- ing thefe Texts which are fo to be interpreted, is no evafion : And no Text will prove Chrifts.fatisra &ion and Merit wholly proper to the Ele&. Much lefs thofe which fay, Hediedfor all men, _ That God intendethonly the Ele& to be certainly Paved by Chrifts death, I can eafily prove from many other Texts : But if I (hould prove it by thefe, it were ftrange. It is an ill confequence [ Chrt.( died for all men ; therefore hisfatisfaeon is proper to the EleEL ] 7. In point of Law the Elea have no more Title toChrift and his Benefits, thenany others ( as Ele& before theybelieve. ) But GodsDecree hall: from Eternity appropriated Salvation byChrift only to the Ele& inpoint of Event. He that determined de eventu, that only theEle& fhould be faved byChrift did ''et 'chink it the fitteí# way tohis glorious ends to make Chrifts Deatha fuffici ent fatirfaílionfor all,& to make in hisnew Law a free deed of Gift of Chrift, and all his Benefits to all that will receive him as he is offered: yet not engaging himfelf to publifh this Law to every particular man ; though it be of univerfal extent h the Tenor. The Promife names none as included ; nor ex- cludeth any,but who dowilfully exclude themfelves. But thefe things require fuller opening. 8. Laftly, [ Chrffi ding loco nofaro ] as you fay, is a tern that needs as great caution for the true underftanding it , as molt that we make ufe of. The right underftanding ofit,is the mainGround of our fafety andcomfort: The wrong under handing it, is the vety turning point to Antinorniznifm, and the very Primrsm vivens & ultimate; moriens, the Heart of the whole Syftem of their DoJrine. That Chrift in the per- fon of Mediator , did fuffer upon his voluntary undertaking what we fbouldhave elfe fuffered,and therebymade fatisfacii- on