(383) on to Gods Juftice for the.breach of his Law, both Father and Son ( whofe Will is one ) agreeing or refolving, that yet no man fhould have a&ual Remiffion or Salvationhereby;but on condition of receiving the Redeemer for their Lord and Saviour : and thus Chrift died loco omnium : this is found Do6rine. That at the fame time it was the fecret Will or Eternal Decree of the Father ; and the Will of the Mediator de eventu, to give effeäually Grace to believe to his Chofen only ; and confrquently that they only fhou'd be actually laved, and thus he died orgy loco Eletlorrsms,is alto found Doc- trine. But that Chrift in dying did ftridly reprefent the per- fonof the fanner, fo as either naturally, or morally in Law- fenfe we may be Paid to have fatisfied then, in or by him,as the Law calls that the aâionof the Principal, which is done per Delegatunn, Dep,sta:um ,Picarium&c. this is the foul of Antinomianifm , and direâly and ucavoidably introduceth Juftifica".before Faith,or beforewe are born,the non-necefïì- ty of any other Juftification,but infora confcienti,e; it certainly overthrowrth all pardon of fin ar all ; and fo all Petition for Pardon,and all thanksgiving for it,with thereat of their errors: yea makes man his own Redeemer. But have been too long already. I fenfibly acknowledge the truth of what you lay That this is amatter of great moment, and needs great cónfi- deration. I have bellowed more confederation about it, then about any other point in Divinity. O UR nnfe,gnedFriend and Brother (who doubts not ere long to meetyou inour Center andRift, where all our Difference in yuddenarnt stud 4Etctisú will be healed.) RICHARD BAxTIà.Be.. Kederminfler, ?line 9. 165i. .