(3840 MMMtilMAttWWW1 ;-$ t 444 4 f Sir, The multitude o fmy Enployments (arid me to delay the returningyou my thoughts ofyourrfavourableAni. madverJions,tilI receivedyour Addi, tionalpaper , which mademe fovery [enfble ofyourK ndnefs,, that Icould not but Tnatcb the next opportunity, thy4 truly to giveyou my further Thoughts, as anaccount oftheaccep- tanceandfuccefs ofyour Pains. Sir, VEtterday I received your third Paper dated tune 17. to which I thought belt to give you this fiiort Anfwer Loge. ther, feeing theformer were not gone out ofmyhands. You here touch ( verycafly ) on two Subje&. I will begin with the later, viz., Your four Arguments againft my Doc- trineof juilification by the Gofpel Grant or New Law.Your fir$ is, that Tbta ie per refultantion ; but 7uflïfic,itionH an aFf of Will ; bog no All of Will ú by neceffary Re/ultanc> ] Anfwer. As it proceedeth from the Infirument or Foundati- on, it is by Refultaxc) : M by that Infirument it is theA&of the Leli/lecr of Trìucipalknot , fo it is anAáof Will. it pine 26. was