was hisWill at enaaing of the Grant, and Dili is his wälr, that this his jjrant, or Deed of Gift fhould moratiter agere & ff)xectus hot vel illot producere, at fuch a diftance opon fuch and Inch conditions. The A& and Effect of the Law, or Tefta:- ment, is the Act and Efffd of the Legiílator and Tei',ator, whole Initrument it is : But the raid Law or Te£tament doth not efficaciter agere, or produce thefeeffects, till the time that the conditions are performed: (for it is theNature of a Moral condition to be added for the fufpenfion of the Effect or event of the Granr, err. till it be performed. ) Therefore the Rector, Donor or Teftator doth not eficaciter agere till then. And therefore he actethby that his Inarument then, or not at all. If you give by Deed or byWill, Inch and fuch porti- 'ons to forne Children at fuch a termof Age, and to others when they marry ; The full actual Right is by a meer Refu1- tancy, as from the Infirument, but by an Act of will, u from you; but really from neither before the Term,or conditi- on performed.Ttis is a molt obvious Truth. 2. And as eafie is the Anfwer to your fecond. [ If the Covenant jullifie witkwit aty other At , then it adopt:, fanti irth,' .; lorif eeb, without anyother. ] Anfvtrer. In the Propofitions againit Mr. Bedford, you might bave feen this difpelled. For Adoption, l yield the whole. But know you not that as there is great difference between changes Relative and Qualitative ; fo the 1<<ter refults not from a meer Fanda- tr.entton, &c. but is effected by a Phyfical Operation ? It is ?:u ad rem, it is Right or `Dunef:, which is the proper imme- diate product, or quali) effect refulting from, and given by the Law, or the like luftrument.; and not the natural thing it Pelf. Now in thefe Relations,either the Right t.nd the thing it felfare the fame ; or elfe the difference fo rm=1l- that it is next to undifcernable, and mull needs both in eodeen in/anti reli4r, as afore laid. But inPhyfical changes,thete i a greater difference between the Right and the 13eneOt: The Rene* cannó as the Right doth, proceed per nudasn refulla,°rinat.If you giv your Son 100.1. by a )eed of Gift, this give!' the fight immedia<ely, but not theThing. There mrift be a Pbyfical Act to that. But Pardon toa Malefa&oris D d d given