Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(390) as Dr. Ward faith. Dare you tell any man of yout Hearers that though he have not fomuch as a Purpofe to mend, yet he is juftified by Faith ? Truly fuch paffages haue embittered the minds of Papifts, and many weak ones againft our Doctrine of Juîification : and given great advantage to the aflntino- mjls. For what you fay of contradiáing Dr. Dolts:awe and Mr. `Persble; 1 anfwer, i. Though they differ between them- felves in the point of J uftification, and one bath wrote acon- futationof the others Doärine , yet youwill never thew me wherein this fpeech of Dr. Ward doth contradiet eithet of them. Indeed ifDr. wardhad determined whether he meant common Difpofitions or fpecial, perhaps he might have con- tradiâed one öf them, they do fo far differ themfelves. For you knowMr. Tenable not only in his Vindic. Grat. but even in the place you cite (pag.42.43.) takes thole Ads to be of fpecial Grace,or a parr of Sanctification, which molt Divines .do judge tobe preparatory thereto. And for my part, I judge as Mr. Pemble,if you take but that point into qualifie ir,wbich I have afferted Treat, of Reif, fecond Edit. part 3. eq. rr.that the fincerity of Grace as laving, lyeth not in the bare nature of the AEt, but in the prevailing degree which Morality may fpecifie,then I fay as Mr. ` Pemble, pag.43. that thefe Venues which are (many of them byour Divines) reckoned as Difpo- fitions to Regeneration, are ifthey betrue,the main parts and fruits of Regeneration. z. But I admire how you fhould think that fpeechof Dr. Ward, fhouid be a joiningwith the Papifis againft Dr. Dow- /lame and Mr. Temble, when Dhanawe tells you that the Pa- pifts difpu:e of anocher,fubject then we 'do ; while they mean one thing by its viz Sanciification,and we another : (upon which ground Mr. Wotron is ready to throw out the Difpute, as being about one Term, but different fubjects.) And Mr. Pemble anfviers [that the Avfument ofBellarmine from that chapter ofthe Councils fsxth fell; is framed on the erro, Which putt outofpaint the whole Difpute, viz. that Regeneration ,eud Sanaiißasation is all one thing w tb 3rsfti,tcation, &ad that to jufi-.fie a 'inner is nothing elfe bat to do away inherent corrup- tion