Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 3 95 ) of Ref%Ed;s.3.) that thevery .fincerity of faith as ¡unifying, lyeth not in the natural being of the act rnecrly, but the pre- valent Degree and 'Tiara( i-pecification, then he would have known,that his sink-oaredones were never jultified, & thrrefore never loft it, And if in afferting, jultification by the only act of Faith, he had not over-looked the life the habit,he, had not fpoke fo much of Intercifion of juttification, through tn terruption of the acts, where the Habits recatin. ( Of this I muff further explain my felt', where it is more feafonable,) His Objections p qg,z i. cap.5. part. I. I have anfwered in the place bdore cited. Yet even Tompfon denyeth that ever fins once pardoned do return, or ?uJificationts peccatis firnel resnifits amitti. pag,i I ,parr.i. cap,2.) fid terlonarn 9ssx sirrando ¡Rita fait, pofe contrakere, dligmando saass contrabere per not, va peccaa novum reatum irg Divine e§.., mortis ifter),;ce : So that it is not the lofs of the firft ¡unification that he afiertetli. I conclude then that as you and others anfwer Tompfon, juft fe will I, ( ifyou do it well : ) for it concerned) my caufe no more then yours,or other mens. But Sir, you have drawn mefo ricer the difficulty which per- pleeth me, that I will now open it to you. How toavoid the Intercifion of ¡unification, is a queftion that hath long trou- hkd me 3 not on any of there terms proper to my own judge- ment ; but how on your Grounds,or any OrthodoxDivines it will be avoided, I would know 1.. whether wz are Guilty (not onlyfeeii, Jed p) ofevery fin we commit ? or of filch fins as Davks before Repentance ? if not guilty r then what need ofPardon, of daily prqing Forgive u$ our Debts, or of a Chat to procure our Pardon ? If we are Guilty , how can that confift with a jai fied re Reatui efi obhgatio maw, The left fin unpardoned,mokes 'obnoxious to condem- nation and Ha He that is obnoxious to them, is not at pre.- rent ¡unified. He' I am much puzled, and in the dark. In my 4phorltave nightly touthed it bat fo a doth not pig,. tart ;AtallOWN., kay rh Interciirion of univerfal or. Yct I dart not lay but that Believers fins may be uii . pardoned rill he Repent, Bedewand reek pardon. And I dare not thiiik9 that Chriit reatheth ti 5 to gray only for paidon in t e fo,o