or eonfcientia, or only of the temporal punishment, nor only for continuanceof what we had before. But how to make perfonal un'verfal uninterrupted Juftification confift with the Guilt of one fin, or with one fin unpardoned, here is the knot. Our Britifh Divines in Dortfynod.f1,51.de Perfever.Thet's.pag. 266. fay, that Believers byfuchfins peaturn mortis incurrunt, Frideaux Let-1.6, de perfev. pag.80.faith, they do reatumdam- nabilemcontrahere , f c tit falte:n derneritorìe , licet non efeïfi- vé,lor ad regnism celorum penittss amitta4t : ( This diftinction doth no good : for we pray not, Forgive us our trefpaires,i.e. that they may not deferve Death) mr. Norge; of 7u11if. Leït, 27. pag.242. thinks, They have an actual quilt obliging them to eternal wrath not abfolutely , but conditionally till they take the meansappointedofGod for their pardon : for God doth not Will to them falvation while they abide in that flare. Mr, Remolds (Life ofCsbrifi, pag,404 442s 4}3, 496.) faith, that they certainly incur Gods difpleafure andcreate a merit ofDeath , anddefervs Damnation, but de fac:o bring it not. Now all this opeáeth not mine underftanding to lee, How a man is Rees mortis, and yet perfectly ¡unified (and fo, noncondemnandrsr etiam in fen.. tentia Legis) at the fame moment of time. And were it a thing that fhould he futurum, ( which we may fuppofe) that he íhould dye in that ftate, whether he íhould be juftified at Judgement, and fo be faved,or not ? Sir, though I refute net toaccept yolk further Animadverfions on the former Points, yet (being indeed fatisfied pretty well in ehem)I chiefly intreat that youwould communicate tomeyour thoughts of this one Point as loon asyou can, if you have any clear way to untye the knot : and ifyour Grounds conduce to it more then mine, (hall like them better. Sir, pardon the prolixity here, and Acrimony elfwhere of Toter unfeigned well-Willer, RICHARD BAXTER.,,