----141110 _... (397) WielrAMN't5V-06W-4 H E Reader *uß underhand thgt fince the Writing of this, I have endeavoured to clear tbu point in mY DireFtions for Peace ofConfcience. To which now I addbut this, that beftdes a Plenary Guilt or Remifon, there feems to be aGuilt and Reenifon that are both but imperfeii andof a middlefort that is , that as inPetersaii of fan, the habit of faith remained, fowith hisGuilty a ftate to f 7uflification remained: Al none of his old fns returned on him, fo the Covenant of Grace upon bit Habitual Faithdid hinder the Guiltfrom being Plenary or fixed. by beginning a ReisiJon; I fear not to call it an imperfetí Re- tieiJon : The Law doth pronounce Death on a man for everyfin, e itis fo far in force as to determine that Death is both deferved anddue to this man for this fin, But at thefame infant, though after in order ofnature, theGofpel that giveth pardon to Relie- vers, doth give an Imperfeíl pardon to David, Peter and fuck Habitual Believers as foon as they fin, before Faith and Repen- tancefor that (in be aCtuall ; and their Pardon will become ple- nary when they altually Repent and Believe. Their Sin is like thefault ofa Kings Son or Subje(!,that in a Paon fhouldßrike the King, When yet Habitually be bath a lovingLoyal heart to him. He defervetb Death, and by Law it may be bis due ; but he is a Son¡till, and the Kingwill not take this advantageagainß him, though be will notfully pardon him, till he submit and la- ment bts Fault. We are ftu l the Children of God,notwithfiand- ing thofe fins that goagain the Habitual bent ofour Hearts(for thats the Tryal ; ) bitt mußbave actual Faith and Repentance before we ¡hall havefull pardon : Trbetber youwill call that Par- don Which the Proutifegiveth upon meer habitual Repentance, A vertual Pardon, and that Which it givetb on actual Repentance, leave e, an aduai Pardon ; or What nameyou will give it, confideration ; but compleat it is not in a cafe of beynous fin , till e4ttueal Repentance : Though it may be in a cafe of force us- Lee 3 known