Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(39$) known unobferved orforgotten infirmities, For thefull con.di; Lion is necefar, to afull `Pardon. He is near the cafe ofa ,Man that bath a Pardon granted hirefor /Weirder, but for Want of /cane action to be performed,), hash not yet pr,irefonof it,andcan- notyet plead it. If you ask, me What Amid become of filch a ma,a,ìf hefa die before Repentance g answer. r. I think? ie a cafe that will neverfallout : For I. God is as it were en- gaged 61 Love and `Fromif, andbygiving his indwelling Spirit. toBelievers, to bring them to Repentance. 2. Thenew Nature or Dis4ioßtion of fetch a asan Will notfuf fer him to be long with- out Actual Repentance,at lea/l infame meafure ; e%pecially When Death Jhalllookhim in theface. Idoubt not but David did re. pent before Nathan flvak to him ; but God Mould not take up With fo /;sort and secret a Repentance for fogreat andodious a Crime. z: But if youcanprove it profitable for Rich a man to be fuddenlycut off before Repentance, and that fuch a thing willbe, I llJould incline to thinkthat be Will befullypardoned at the in/lant of Death, and fo[avid ; becaufe the Lord knoweth that he repented Habitually and vertssally and shouldhave done st actually, if he had had timefar confderatio.a. 3. Or if we shouldconclude codpath pserpofely left men offetch a mid dle condtion, without any certainty how he Will deal With them, that fo no man may be encouraged tofin, and in Impudency, I think it no dangerous Doctrine, nor injurious to the ,body of Pa- vingTruth. And thus f have noW ( manyyears fnce the Wri. Ling of the foregoing Papers) told you in brief What fatit fieth me concerning this diicult point, for the reconciling of theguilt of every part;cutar fin , eJpecielly the more haynous with the Doflrine ofperfeveriog, uninterrupted ?unification. Somewhat alfo I have laid of it in my Papers exprefftng my Judgement about Perfeverance,latelypublished. jan, 5, 1657. 8.