Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(4o1) ~e(lion* Whether the Faith which ·Tau! oppofeth to Worley in th~ Point of !fufliftcation, ~e one only Phyfical Act ofthe Soul? JV:..!g.: OR, Whether all Acts, except one Phyfical Ad: ofPaith, be the Works which are excluded by Paul in the Point of J u.. fl:ification ~ Neg. . PUT thefe two ~eftiot1s together for brevity and Elucidation-of ~he Mar.cer in doubt ; for fp ineffect they a:-c put One. avoiding all unntc_e(f;~ ry. Ex– plication of, terms concerning tli·iH:h , we are agreed;it is but little that I nave need to fay for yQur underftand jng of ' the fenfe of the ~eftion. is here fuppofed that Paul dotb/ maint~in ~ ufiification_ by faithF~fd oppofeth it to Juftific~~t /