Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

oz) by theworks of the Law: and fo oppofeth Salvation by Grace and by works. z. It is fuppofed that non dour tertium,there is no middle wayof Jufification betides there two, byfaith or by Works : and therefore whatfoever Acts we are here ¡unified by, it muff needs follow, that thofe Acts arc none of the [ works ] that Paul here fpeaketh of as excluded : and what- faever Acts are excluded are none of the Faith, by which Paul telleth us here that we are juftifed.Thiswe are agreed on and fo it is often preffed by my Opponents that there is no third wfty; which I grant them. But note that I do not there- fore grant them that there is no tertium,or other act either im- plyed in Faith , or fubfervient to it in that way of j unification that is by Faith : it was never Pauli metning to exclude all other Gracious Acts relating to Chrift, nonot from this bufi- nefs of Jufification, as attendants on Faith,or modifications of it, implyed in it, or fubfervient to it, And therefore it will not follow that any third thing by which we are thus ¡unified, is either Faith or Works; but only that is not works, becaufe they are excluded. 3. I put the Phyfical Act whofe Unity we fpeak of, in con- tradifinction to one moral Fact,which may containmany Phy- fical Acts.: fuch as Marriage, which is one in a civil or moral fenfe; but many Phyfical Acts : and fuch as almoft all Contracts be ; as taking a man to be my Prince,my Commander,my Tu- ror,myPhytcian,my Councellor,&c.wh;ch every one of them contain many Phqfical acts. 4. There is a fourfold Unit y here to be difcerned,that the term [ One 1 may be underflood. r. A general Unity, and this is not it in queflion.We are agreed that ingenere afttu,and ingenereaim fecundi, and ingerere (Ow immanentis, Faith is but One. a. A Unity of the loweft Genua, and the fiperi or fpecies. 1. A Unityof the fpecies fpecialifma. 4. A Numerical 'Unity. Our Queftion is of the third : but yet be- caufe the fecund andfourthare aIfo controverted, I fhall (peak of them before I come to the q9effion. And concerning the feurtb I Af:rr, that [The Faitb which Paul cppofctb to woks 'n the Point ofyoflification, is not only onenumerical AU of the a, My.