Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(403) My Opponents in this ( though they are unwilling to ap- pear in the oppofition ) muft needs be all thofe that fay,Juaifi. cation is fiend& femel, at once and but once, and that it is a good Argument againit any asor works after Faith that [They exili not tillwe arcjuflified, therefore they are no conditi- on, of our 7,411ification : J and all thofe that deny and fcorn the difin4}ion between i . Our Juftification at the firf} (or puttingus intoa ¡Aided Rate) 2. And our daily Jultification by thecontinuationof that Rate. 3. And our frequently re- iterated particular Juílification from the Guilt of particular fins. 4. And our final Juflification by the fentence of the Judge. Efpecially by denying the fecond,thèy mutt needsde-, ny myAffertion, as alai! be Chewed anon, Argon,. I. If Paul 'p a{n't only of 7ufitfication a, begun, bat as corn iwved, Mien the Faith which he oppofeth toWorks is not only one numerical Ad .,;( For there muff needs go forme other Numerical P et before it, or elfe the pet fon could not be ¡uni- fied by faith before) But the Antecedent ù true, as I prove fromRom. 4. 18, T g. andGal.3. If Paul prove Juftification by faith , from the iinnance of Abrahams believingafter that he was juftified,then tie (peaked) not only ofJuftification as begun (or ofour fi+ ft Being juflified) But theAntecedent is plain in the Text compared withGen.iz.and 13_ and i4.and i5.Abra- hamwas a ¡unified man before he believed the Promifeof Sa- ra's having a Sort. e"irgum. z If a tráte Believer have a juffifying Faith af- ter bit (rfl 7uI06.46on, even as long as be liveth, then the Faith *hid; Paul app?feth to work/it not only one numerical Ad (be- caufe that firft Numerical A&doth not continue with us. ) But the Antecedent ü true , as appeareth i . from the fore- mentioned Inftance of .AErabam. 2, From the neceftityof a continued A iuftification For the PaJJïte elfe would ceafe, and we fhould be unjuflified. If God did not continue to forgive us, and fill a&ively repute us juft,and accept us as juft.and impute Righteoufnefs to us, and his Gofpel-Grant did not continually juftifie us, (as every Fw.'damentra»s conti- nually caufeth the Relation,) we fhou'd ceafe tobe jufified And Gods active Juftification continuethnot without thecon- F f f z tinuance