Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

fi (4°4) 'inuancé of mans Aftual or Habitual Faith : Otherwife he Mould juftifiean Infidel , and he fhould juftifie afterwards in another way,and on other terms then he did at firf.3.From thecontinued Efficacy of Chrifts Merits, Intercetlion and Co- venant, which daily juflifieus. So that he that faith, that he was never ¡unified but once at one moment,and by one nume- rnerical Ad of Faith, muff fay that Chrift was his Juffifier ac`'tu- ally but for a moment,and that he will not be beholden to him to juflifie him any more. Andyet that no man may have a pretence of quarrelling about meer words, that bath a mind to it,let it íäl1 be remem- bred, that as the word [ Juftification ] is ufed ro fignifie the firft making a man juft that was unjuft (relatively or qualita- tively,) So I confefs that God, that Chriff, that the Covenant . do jutiifie us Univerfally but once (though particularly from particular fins often) And thus it is but one Aft of Faith by which we are ¡unifiedRelatively, and not the Habit at all. But as Juf}ification is taken for the fame Ad continued ( though the mutation on us be not ab eeder terming ) fo we are ¡unified every moment, and have a jultifying faith conti- nually, and are juaified by the Habit, at IeaR as much as by the Act, and in fome refpe& more. The Sun doth as truly Illuminate our part of the world all day after,as at Sun rifing, and by the fame Actionor Emanation in kind : But as Illúrni- nating is taken for turning night into day or illuminating the darkworld from its darkncf&,fo it doth°only illuminate it from breakofday to Sun rifing. Your Leafe of your houfe or Land doth firft make you a Tenant of no-Tenant at the ftrft fealing and delivering but it may by the fame fort ofac&íon conti- nue your Right till it expire , and focontinue you a Tenant And thus we are continually ¡unified by God, by Chrift by the Covenant and by Faith. Now as to the fecond kindor matter of Unity (of an Infe- rior Genius and Superior fpecies ; ) this is two-fold. i. As theActs of mans foul are fpecified and denominated from the Faculties or Fefl'ers : or (if anydeny that real diftinctionof faculties ) from the Objects of Intellection,Volition, & ncmi1v confidered. za. As the acts of the foul are fpecified by,