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C4o5) by theirfpecialOtjelJJ ( though not fpeciei fpeciali imx. ) As to the former, the queftion is one of there two ( which you will in terms, for they are one in fente ) Whether the act of Faith Which Paul oppofeth to Worksin ?ufiification,be only an a5 of the Iretellet,or only an aEf o f the Will ? Or, whether it have only Entity and Verity, or only Goodnefsfor its Objeît ? And in the fecond cafe the Queftion is this, Whether God Alone, or Chrifi alone, or the `Promifèalone, or Pardon or Righteoufnefi alone, or Heaven alone, &c. be the Objet of that Faith Which Paul oppofeth to work; in 7uf rfication. But the thing intended in our C2J2eftion is de f ecie fpecialif lima, Whether it be bnt one jpecial aEl which Paul oppfeth ro Work in Jrsftification, Here are three more Propofïtions that I (hall handle in order, though the laft only be necefirary to,. me. Propou rion 2. The Faith vhich Paul oppofeth to work,; in 7uflifcation, ïe not only anAct of the Intellect,nor only of the Will. ( shall fay but little of this -, becaufe I have among Prote° Rants but few Adverfaries. The Papifis indeed feat it in the Mullen only : and fo cloth Camero (calling it a Perfwaíon ) and fame few Pr:oteftants : tome few others (as Z,nej,zts fometimes) place it only in the Will, and take Affent to be but a prefuppofed A& : and they call it Affiance . or (as fimefin )alto Eledion, Acceptance, orConfent,orembracit g,or Recumbency, or fuch like. Femble taking Truth and Good nets to be all one,and theUnderfanding and Will for all one, takes alfoA lient and Affiancefor; but I fhall goon the fuppofition that his iïngular opinion is commonly difallowed ; however. the Scotjl:r, and many other, deny the real Diftin- &ion of Faculties. The common Vote of Pcotefrant Di. vinesisythat Faith is in both Faculties, theintellea and Will,, and path for its obje& the Entity of Chrifis perron, and the Verityof the Gofpd,and the goodnefs of Chrift and his bene. firs ofered, which Faith accepteth. Mvena'rtts `'Fords are plain and true, Determ, Qu.38.pag.174. Inactas fcleijsefsifi- cantis tota anima fe convertit ad caufam js /I ificant em : And tbu. 37_ pag. t G6. Fidel ilia quote Scripfra agnof cit, ha- 1 . ff 3 ber,: