Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(c6) bet ;tile complicatum aillot»Voluntatis er intelleElw.:.., Ne nobis abfurdÑam,fed valde confentaneumvidetur alum ilium qua tota anima puriicattr juflifacatur adwan; anima's: pectine - re ; itsut in nudo intelleE`tu bobcat iuititsm ; in volnsntate com- plementun. Argument r. The Object of this Faith is both ,?'ruth and goodnefs : Therefore it is the ad bothof the Intellect and the Wilt. That Truth is the Object of it is evident, r. In that the Metaphyfical Verity of Chrifts perfon is the Object of it, or elfe Chrift were not the Objedof it. 2. In that the moral Verity ofthe Gotpel, z . as revealing Chrift, 2. aspro- mifìng pardon, is theobject ofit,as is confefl:,and theScripture 'loth fo plentifully declare, that it were fùperfluous to cite the words. That goodnefs is the object of it,appeareth, t.In that Chrift as Redeemer,Mediator,Saviour,is the object ofit ; and that is Chrift as neceffary and good to us. It is Chrift for our for- givenefs,,?uftification andSalvation: and founder the formal notion of good. 2: in that it is a Promifeas aPromife(Tefta- ment,Grant,or Deed of Gift) that is the Object by it. And it is Effential to thele to be good tousas well as, True : and the Truth is but for the good. 3. In that it is Pardon,Juftificati_ on and Lifeeternal finally, that are the object of it ; which as fuch, and as offered tous, are good. If I thought theft things' needed proof, I would give you more. Argumentz. The Scripture revealeth to to that this FaithL the Alt both of the ladle and theWill, therefore st idfo That it is the act of theIntellect, is fo plain inScripture,that I fhould accule my felfofwearying youwith needlefs work, if I fhould go about to prove it. The Papifts are right enough in thus much : andDr. Downame de 7uflific. and againft Pemble in Append. to Covenant ofgrace, hath proved it at large. That it is an act of the Wiil,our Divineshave fully proved againft the Papifts in many a full Dilcourfe ; T. From the feule of Wnsi'ue a rtç °rçpr, r,6 eiS'Inat'L )Cp:sór, & 74sic ZN Tw aï rz, which fìgni fie Affiance, and fuch an Affiance as is the act of the Will as well asof the Intellect. 2. Becaufe theScripture often putceth [willing