Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C4°7) [Willing]as equipollent toBelieving; in Revel.22.17. Whofoes ver Will, let hint take the water of Life freely] where trdling and Taping are both acts of the Will, and the faith in c uefti- on; fo in other places. 3 .The Scripture calleth it by the name ofR?ceiving Chtift, doh. r . i z. Co1.2.6. ;which is the Accep- tanceorconfent of the Will. 4. The Scripture often makes Faith to be the Internal covenanting and clofure of the heart. with Chrift, which is the act ofthe will ; and therefore it per- fwadeth with the this end ; and accufeth menas un- willing,and calleth themRefuters,Neglecters,Slighters,Rejec- ters, Dcfpifers of Chrift, that areUnbelievers ( privatively. ) I trouble younot so cite the Texts as being needlefs, and done by many. Betides that ( as in the former Argument) thePro- mife,Chrift,Paadon,Life,and other good things, as goods are frequentlymade the Object of Faith. Argument 3. The Veracity of God is the formal Object of Faith., But the Veracity of God ie bbte Goodrich ( or partici- pateth at hall as Bauchof hid Goodnefs of of his Wifdorn and his Polver : ) therefore the Goodnefs of God is the formal Object of Faith : and confeguently it is an act of the will. God cannot lye, becaufe he it perfectlygood,wi,fe andPodeerfull. Objet . But (fay fume Papilis) All thefe acts thatyou mention here, are Love andnot Faith:Faith doth but afent,and Lo iecon- fentethor acceptet h. Anise. 1. Do you not your felves call it fidrrformata charitate ? And why then may not we call it faith ? 2. The Scripture calleth it Faith in the phrafes formentioned,sís c 44=71 MIST s - cis asàv , Pic. and therefore it is Faith. 3. Though fometimes in other cafes theApoftle diftin.guifh Faith, Hope and Love; yet when he fpeaketh of Faith as ju- .iifying, and as the form of a Chriftian, be comprehendech Love to Chrift as Saviour in ir, and a confidence in him fuch as in common Language we call Hope As Love figniiìeth the Paton of the foul, it may be aconfequent ; but as it is but thevelle Chriflorra, & beneficia oblate , fo it is faith it !elf as Maccovizu and Charier have truly told the Papits. It wasa faith inChr ít (though beginning to fink)chacs expreffd.Luk.. 24.ZJ .