Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

1-127 sm.7/i5n.(.sv ÓTt w &7Ós í57n ó ,dÑ V 2,vra ue 7ti, ] But We trolled that is had been he that fbouid have redeemed I[rael. ] Our Tranílátors have put We ?ruffed for We Hoped, becaufe they thought the fignification the fame, or elfe they would not lure have done it. And when the Apoftle faith,that Eci r is imn o,xvrd,, v sztars, Heb. I I. r. If we may denominate the ad from theObject, we may fee that he there makes Faith and Hope to be co-effential. And when Chrift is calledXp,sès 37 i7,77;. ñ v Chrift our Hope,it feems hope there is but an a&of Faith. And fo 2 Co-. _ .Io, r Tim.4. o. To Hope in God or Chrifi, orput our Hope in him, feem- eth tome all one as to put our Trutt in himforfutureMercy, which is Faith. Towhich is oppofed a Tim 6. i 7, patting our Hope in riches.. fo i Cora S.I9, to have Hope in Chrift,ifo the Septuagint, Pfal. 42,. 26. iv7ncov i v'v ©ßóv : [ Hope in God,] is a Complicationof Faith and Hope inone word, and tran. flared by us, Tru(t inGod. 4. Though the Willing, Content or Acceptanceof an of- fered Benefit, have truly fomewhat of Love in ir, yet Love is not the proper nameof that Act.Every Volition is not ufually called Love. Prop. 3 . it is not not only God the Father, nor only Chrifi the Redeemer, nor only the Tromife nor onlypardon, or Righteouf nefs, -or Heaven, that is the objets ofthat faithWhich Paul oppo- feth to works in 7uftification. Arguinent I .If many or all thefe art fo linked together, that to believe one of them as revealed in Scripture, is to believe more or all, then it is not any oneof them alone that is the object of that Faith which Paul oppofeth to works. But the r., ntecedent is true,as is evident, e. g. Tobelieve in Chrifi,is to believe the promife ofthe Gofpel concerning Chrift. For there . is no Beliefwithout a Wordofrevelation tobelieve.So that here Chrift and the Promìf a are neceffarilyconjunct,and Chri[l and the Gofpel Hiftory. And to believe the Go{ el with a Divine Faith, is to Relieve gods veraorty , and to believe the Gofpel becaufe of Gods Veracity : For this is the Objcl`um formale 'without which there is no faith.' So that Believing in God is effential