Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(409) effential to all Divine Nth. Alfo. materially ; to Believe in Chris, is to Believe in hire as our Saviour , to fave us from the gHilt offin , even as tobelievein a PhyTitian is to Truft on him to cure us of our Difeafes. So fargivenefs offn, being an end effential toChrifts Office, it is effential to our Faith in Chrift. So alfo to believe in Chrift as a Saviour, is tobelieve in him às one that iscable and willing to reconcile us,and bringus to thefa- Dour of God : And fo god andhis favour and Reconciliation with him areends effential to the office ofa Saviour (as health is to the Phyf ians)and therefore they are of a otial to our Be- liefin a Saviour. The fame may be faidof eternal Life : fa that you may fee that thefe have effential refprc`ts to one ano- ther, and Christ cannot be believed in alone without the rest asco- edTäntials refpeetively in the obj & ofour faith Igor can the Promise be believedwithout believing in the Promifer and Promife;l. Argument 2. The Scripture maßexpref y maketh many fueh Objea.; ofthat faith whichPaul oppafeth to works in 7csflafcation ; therefore In mug we. Rom. 3.2a,24,z5.26. There are exprefly mentioned all thefe Objectsof juftifying faith. t. The Righteoufnefs ofGods 2, The Perfon ofJeftu Chrif, 3. Redemption by Chriff , and big pro;%iaiatory blood. 4. Rem:fon of fins pall. S. God u,t 7u11ifier of Believers; fee theText. Ron1.4 3,5.6,7,8,17.2,o,2I,24,25. There areall thefe ob- jects of Juftifying faith expreffed, evenwhen the work of Ju ftiIication is defcribed. z. God ar Revealerand true : 2. God as 7esflifier. 3..Righteoufnefs ; imputation of it ffrg-venefs of fin, not imputi.oy it. 4. God a Omni (cent. 5. Ged as Omnipo- tent. 6. 7efus our Lord. 7. Thedeath ofChraflfor our offences. 8. The Refurred,on ofCbrill for our jts(lTfication. 9. Godas therailer of Chrifi from the Dead. Read the words, and you íhaif find them all exprefly mentioned. I think it fuperfluous to cite more Texts. Rrop.4. Thefaith which Paul oppofeth to work; in thebtefinefr of 7sf ficatïon, is not any one Jingle Phy(ical aE in Specie fpe- cialilfima : Nor Was it ever the meaning of Paul to exclude all alb except fore [rich one, from.7sflifica.tïon ,under the name of Works. G g g For