Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

.4Ta) For the prooftof this, it is done already, if any one of the three former Propofitions be proved. To which I add Argu- ment I. from ,zninftance offome other particulars. If any or all the followingparticular Acts be fuch as are not to be recko- ned with works, then it is no one act alone that Paul oppofeth to works, But all or fome of the following acts are fuch as are not tobe reckoned with works excluded. Ergo,&c. E g. i . An Affent to the truth of the Gofpel in general as the Word of God. z. A beliefon Gods Veracity in this expreft. 3. An Aflent to the Truth of the Word that telleth us that. Chrifi is God.4.An Affent to the truthof the Article of Chrifts Manhood. 5. An Affent to the Truth of the Article of his conception by the Holy Ghoft, and being born of a Virgin. 6. And to the Articleofhis being born without original fin in bitnfelf. 7. And to the Article ofhis finlefs holy life. 8.And to the Article ofhis aetual death. 9. And that this death was for our fins° ac). And that God hack accepted it as a fufficient Ranfom,facrifice or Attonement. i z . And that he actually role again from the dead,and overcame death. 1z. And that he is the Lord and Kingof the Church. z T. And that he is the Prophet and Teacher of the Church. ¡4. And that he is a- fcended intoHeaven and Glorified,God and man, i S,And that he is now our Interceffor &Mediator with the Father. a6.And that h.e,hath purchafed by his Ranfom and given or offered in the Go1;pel,the freepardon of fin. 17. And that he bath alfo purchafea & offered us eternal life in Glory with God. i 8. And that its the members of Chrifl , and of the Holy Catholick Church,tat (hall partake ofpardon and life by Chrif}. r 9 And ,hat he will give us the of lifeat laft.zo.And that he will judge the world. I have omitted our fpecial Belief in God the Father as Crearor,and in the Holy Ghoft , apd have given you in thefe twentyAäs,nomore then what is contained in this one word, CIbetieve in C'hrill as Chrlij I think there is it any but few that are not effen :ial to Faith in jelus Chrift as the Saviour. And all rhefe as of afent are parts of the faith that is the means ofour juftífication; and none of them part of the excluded works. And betides all thefe there areas many ana of the Will as of the Inteliedconcurring in or to this ve- ry