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ryafíent, ro that there's twenty more.Fór its plain; that teeing the objets of all there areGood as,well as True, they being all Truths concerningour benefit and Salvation , the Will 1t felt in the Intellects affenting, cloth command it to aft'ent, and alfo Both place a certainAffiance in the Revealer,which we call in Engliflh crediting`or Giving credit to one, we rejl our felvet' upon his Truth. As Ifaid before,Veracity is Gods Goodnefi,and Veracity is the formai Objed in every oneof the other Acts about the ma erial Objet ; and therefore the Will mutt act uponVeracity and to have a part in affent it felt : not ad area, but as a Voluntaryafferat, and as an affent to Prensifer or Revu latiansof good to tu. there is goodnefs in the wordof Revela- tionfifbordinate, or in order to the good Revealed. And fo there is an act of the Will upon the good in theWord, compli- catedwith the intellectsAffenr,befides the following fuller act ofthe W ill,upon Chritl and the benefits themf, Ives.And there- Lore there is a twofold Affiance. I. AnAffiance in Gods Vtrs1 city as theRevealer. z. An Affiance in Chrifl the CYlediator, as the 6effower, accompli/bar andalual Saviour or Deliverer according to his Office and Covenant. The firft is an act of theWill concurringwith Agent. And of this Pembles opinion is neer Truth,thou h not fully it. For here A (fiance is as clofe- ly joyned wi, h Affent as Heat in the Sun with Light, though they are not the fame. But then the fecond fort of Affiance followeth Affent, and bath another act of the Will inrerce- ding,which is Content or acceptance of the Eenefit offered; which alto is clofely conjunct with the firíl act of the W+II.And then followeth laft of all affiance in Chrift for the performance of the undertaken acts. And thefe latter are allo many parti- cular Phyfical acts, as the objectsin fpecie fpecialiJfimaare ma- ny. And yet all theft make but one object in a moral fenie,and fo but one acr,and are done in a fewmoments ofcinie of which after, Would it not be too tedious, I fhould flay tocite feve_. rat Texts, to prove that never a one of all there acts is exclu- ded as works by Paul. But of divers of them its before proved from Rem. ? . and 4. and ofmore in lieb. i i. and in Gal. 3. I ,6, 7,8,9,13,14 Ic,16,18,zo,2t,22. There are at !call thefe Objects ofJuftifying faith expreffed. i. Clorifls Perfon ,z. that Gggz