Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(PI) toe INNS the feedpromifed. 3. That heWar crucified. 4.That this was for our fins. 5. That4e zvas made a eurfe for us in this his death. 6. That herebyhe Redeemed us from the cm-ft. 7. That he is the Medtóatcr. 8. od a4 the Party With Whom he is Media- tor. 9. God as Believed in his Promife. IO. God as ?uflifier. I I. The Çoilrlpreached,and the Promife made. i y. Bleffednefs by Chrif1. 13. The confirmed Covenant. 4.The Inheritance. Rightcoesfnefs. 16. Adoption. 17. That Beliefis the means, and believers the fubjeêts oftilde benefits.All there objets of Faith you will find in the Text. Argument 2. Ex ratura rei. Ifother acts of faith in Chrift are no more works then that one (whatfoever it be) which you will fay Pot oppofeth toworks, then Paul dothnot call them works, or number themwith works. But the ef.ntecedent is true, therefore fo is the Confequent. Doubtlefs the Scripture calls them as they are : and therefore if they are not works, it calls them not works. And for the Antecedent, i2lf by rvors ?;you mean the Keepingof the firft Covenant by finlefs obedi-' ence,fo neither the one or theother are works. 2: Ifyoumean the keeping of Mofcs Law, fo neither of them are wor s, 3. If you mean theperforrnance of an act ofobedience to any Pre- cept of God, fo the feveral acts are works , but jufiifie not as acts Of obedience to the command ( chats but their matter) but as the conditionof the Promife. 4. ifyou mean than they are A7s ofthe foul ofman , fo every act of Faith is a work, though it juftifie not as fuch, fo that here is no difference to be found. E.g. If you make the Believing in Chria as Dying, (though you take in both aflent and affiance) to be the only l ifying act ; what reafon can you give why our Believing in Chrift incarnate, in obeying the Law , in Chrift riling again, and Glorified and Interceding, in Chrift actually now giving out the pardon of fin and A doption, mac. fhould be called works anymore then our Believing in Chrift as crucifi- ed ? No reafon at all, nor any Scripture can be brought for it. Yea what reafon have you that our Believing in Chrift as the yfitian ofour fouls, to cure us of.our fins , and cleanfe our hearts, and fanctifieour Natures, and in Chrift as the Teacher and Guide of our fouls to life eternal, fhould be called works any