Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(4i3) $ny more then the other.? Or that believing in Chrifts blood for everlafting Life and happinefs, flhould be any more called works thenbelieving in his blood for Juffification ? Yea that Believing in him as the King, and Head , and Captain of his Church to fubdue their enemies, and by his Government con- du& them to perfeverance and toGlory, íh,,'ild any more be called work. thenbelieving on him as crucified in Order to for- givenefs? Argument 3. All acts Effential to faith in Chrift as Chrift, are oppofed to vrorks by Pall in the point ofJuftication,and are not the works oppofed ;oFaith,- But many acts are cffen tial cofaith in t:.Irri:ft as Chrift ; therefore they are many at1a that are oppofed-to works; and no one 'of thefe acts is the works excluded. The 1r1ejor is proved thus : If faith in Chrift as fuch, be it that P47.g11eppofeth toworks, then every effential part of it is by `Parpppofed to works ( for it is not faith in Chrift if it want any effential. part) But the 4nteeedent is true. Ergo. T.lhe r.-34-in I have proved in the firft Difputation Though fometime it is fata t4be [by fait, in lair blood] that we have remiffionof f n ; and fometime that we are ju{ftified if we be- lieve inhim that railed Chrift from the dead , &c. Yet molt frequently it is faid tobe by faith in C'hrii ; 6y believing in the Lord 7efus, receiving Chrit yefus the Lord, &e. Belive in the Lord 3e; rte, a;sd=ti ou.¡halt be laved , was the Gofpel preached to the ,3 aylor, Ails 16. But this is fufficiently proved already. That many acts are effential to faith in Chrift as fuch, is alto 'Ik proved : and particularly, that believing in him as cur Tea- cher, Lord., and as Riling, Interceding, and Juftifying by fen- tence arid'Gift, as well as believing in hire as dying for our ju_- . ftification. As Chrift is not Chrift (as to his Office and work)- without thefe Efientiais,fo faith is not the Chrifiian faith with- out thefe ass. But here ohferve that though I fav thefe ads of faith are not the works which excludeth, I ípeakof them as they are, andnot as they are mifanderfood : For if any man fhould imagine that Believing in Chrift is ,a Legal Meritorious work, and that can jufti& him of or for it fclf ; I will not deny but G1g3 ha,