Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(4 4) he may fo make another thingof faith, and fobring k among excluded works (if it be poL iible for him to believe conrradi- dories : ) But then, this is as true ofone act of Faith as ano- ther : If a man imagine that its thus Meritorious to Believe in Chrift as purchafng him Jwhfication, it is as much the exclud- ed works, as to think it Meritorious to Believe in him as out Teacher, or Ting and Judge, that will lead us to final Abfolu- tion and a&ually juftifie us by his Sentence at that Judge-, ment. Argument 4. Thofealts of Faith that are neceffary to Ju- ftification, arenone of the works that P -i.ul excluderh from Ju.. ftification (unitfs changed by mifunderftanding. as aforefaid.) But other acts of faith as well as one are neceffary to Juftifi- cation : Ergo._----- - The t'l*linor (whichonly is worthy the labour of a proof) I. is proved before, and in the frft Difputation. 2. And it is confeffed by my Opponents, that fay [ Faivh inChrift as Tea-. cher, King, &c. re tht fides (lux Juftificat , and the condi,ìcr of jagif1cation, a Repentance alfo i,r, thoughit be not the Infirm- mental caufe, a they tbinfçforne other Al is. Paul clothnot ex- clude that which he makes neceffary. Argument 5. That which makes not the Reward to be of Debt and not of Grace, is noneof the works that rPasel lets faith againft. But other acts of faith in Chrift donot make the reward to be of Debt and not ofGrace any more then the one act which youwill choofe (E. g Believing in Chrift as King and Teacher, any more then believing in him as a Ranfom : ) therefor: they are not thewors that Peat' lets faith againft. The (Major is proved from the Defcription of the excluded works,Rom.4.4. The M nor is evident. Argument 6. All at`ts of Faith in Ord of our 7ußifier, are fuck as areoppofed to works by Paul, and are none of the works which faith is oppofed to. But theyare more then one or two that are A&s of faith in Chrift as.juflifïer:Ergo. -- The Major I think will begranted; the Minor is plain : For Chrift