Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

i.Chriñ jiftifieth us meritorioufly as a Sacrifice.2. And as Os beying and fulfilling the Law. 3. As the complement of hi fatisfac`lion, and the entrance upon his following execution, his Refurrection juftifieth us. 4. As the Heavenly Prieft at Gods right hand, he juftifieth us by his Interceffion. 5. As King and Head, he juftifieth us by his Covenant or Lawof Grace. 6. As Kingand judge he juífitie h us byfentence° 7. As Prophet he teacheth us the Do&rine of jollification, and how to attain to Jollification by fentence. So that at leall,none of thefe are the excluded works. Argum. 7. If the whole Effence of Chriffian faith be op.. poled to works, and fo be none of the oppofed works in the matter of Salvation, then its fo alto in the matter of Ju{iifica.- tron. But the Antecedent is true ; therefore fo is the Coníe- quent. The Minor is confeff d by my Opponents. The confe- quence of the Major I prove. i. Becaufe Salvation is as free as JuíliFzation, and no more of workowhich Paul exclud- eth, 2. Salvation comprehendeth Juftification : and 10- rification bath the fame conditions as final Jufification at Judgement it being part of Jollification to adjudge that Glory. 3. The exprefs Scripture excludes works as much from Salvation as from Jollification : Eph.2. 8,9. Fcr by trace ye are faxed through faith ; and that not of your felved, it is thegift of God : not of work', left any man fhould boat. Tit. 3.5,6,7. [ 2ot by work, of Righteoufnefs which We have done, but according to his (,?r'fercy he faxedu1, by the Writhing of Regeneration, and the renewing ofthe Holy Ghof$, which he fh:d on ud abundantly, through ?efu.r Chriff our Saviour, tbet being jullifiedby his Grace, we jhould be made Heir, according t) the hope of eternal Life. J Many Inch places are obvious to any diligent Reader. For the Minor all() read 3 Cor. 15.:,2,314, 5,6,&c, A,gum. 8. If no man can name any one Ah of faith that is oppofed to all the re as works, or oppofed to works when the