Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C4 1 6 the reft are not, then no fuch thing it tobe.afferted. But no Ian can name the A& that is thus opi;ofed alone: to works i.It is not yet done that I know of. We cannot get them ro tell us what A& it is. 2. Arid if they do, others will make as good a claim to the Prerogative. Argsem. 9. They that oppofe us, and affirm the Question, do feign God to have a (frange partiality w one A&of faith above all the ref, without any reafon or a ritude in that a& to be fo exalted. But this is not to be feigned ( and proved it cannot be,) that God fhould annex our J uflifica °ion ro the Beliefin Chrift as a facrifice only;and to oppofe this to belief in him as Riling, Interceding, Teaching, Protnmfing or judging , is a fiEtion contrary to Scripture.Examme any Text you pleafe, and fee whether it will run well with fuch an Expofitnon, Rom. 4.4,5. [Now to him that Worketh, i. e. B. lieveth in Chrif 'u Teacher, judge, Intercefor, &c. is the rew. dnot reckoned of grace but of Debt. But to him that warkerb not, that is, belie - veth not on brig 'u Icing and Teacher, &c. but Iltbeveth on him that juffifieth the ungodly (an a& of his Kingly office) &c. Doth chis run well ? I will not trouble you with fo unfa- voury a Paraphrafeupon the like Scriptures : youmay try at pleafure onRom.3. & q.. and Gal. 3. Eph.z. Phil. 3. or any fuch Text. . Argument io. If the Doarine of the Opponents ( holding the Affirmative) were crue,then no man can tell whether he be a condemned Legalitl,or not : yea more if it be not faith in Chrift as fuch (containing the whole Effence) by whichwe are jufified,as oppofed to works, or which is none of the exclu- ded works ; then no man can tell but he is a condemned Le- galiit. But the confqucnt falfe ; therefore fo is the eAnte- cedent. The Reafon ofthe Confequence is, becaufe no man is able to tell you which is the foie ¡unifying act or which are the only acts, if it be not faith Effentiatly that is ir; for among all the acts before mentioned , if a man miltake and think one