Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(4I7) other ( E. g. faith in Cbrifls Refurreaion , in Chrift as king, Judge, Teacher, &c.) is it by which he muff be jufified, then he falls upon j udification by Works , and fo falls fhort of Grace for if it be of Works, then it is no more of Grace : elfe Works were noWorks. And fo no man can tell but he deftroyebGrace,and ex ecteth j uftification byworks : much Iefs can weakChriftians tell. I newer yet faw or heard from any Divine a juft Nomination ( with proof ) of the one ju- tiífying act , or a juft Enumeration of the many acts, if all muff not be taken in that are Effential. Some fay Affiance is the only act : but as thatsconfuted by the molt that take in Affent alto , fo there are many and many acts of Affiance in Chrift that are neceffary: and they fhould tell us which of thefe iris. Object. And eio you thinly, that We can any better tell when we have all that are Effentiml ? Or do.h every weak ('hriflian be- limeall the twenty Articles thatyou mentioned at firfl? Anfw. i . We can better knowwhat is Revealed then whets unrevealed. 'Ihe Scripture tells us what faith in Chrift is ; but not what one or tWo aeis do Juftifie , excluding all other as Works. Divines have often defined Faith ; but I knownot that anyhathdefined any full one act, as thus exalted above the reft of the Effenceof Faith. If we could not tell what is effential toF aith, we could not tell what faith is. 2.The twen- ty Objects of Affent before mentioned are not all Articles or material Objects s the fecond is the formal Object. And of the ref+, uniefs the fifth, Believing that Chrift was concei- vedby the Holy Gkofl, andborn of a Vtrgin J may be excepted (which I dare not affirm ) I know not of one tha.ts not effen- rial to Chriftianity. And I iiink if we had Hereticks among us that denyed Chria to be conceived by the HolyGhoft, we Mould frarce rake therm for Chrifi iiars. But that man that fell deny or prop believe that Chrift is God, that he is Man, that he way no inner, that-he dyed, and that for our fins,and that he was aSacrifce orRanf t for us,: and that he Rofe H h h again, .,