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(4 8) again, is Glorified,'arid will judgeus : that he'hath offered us,; a pardonof fin; that there will be a Refurrection of the bo- dy, ani lifeEverlaiting by this our Redeemer, I cannot fee how he can be a Chriftian. And for the number of Ar. tides, I left out much of the ancientCreed it fe1f, (the Belief in God the Father, Creator, . in tare Haly Ghoit the Ar title of the Catholick Church the Communion of Saints 9.. of Chrifts burial Defcent into Hell and more. ) And vet do you thing this too big to i e effentiai to Chriftian I"aih ? I f fo, tcll not any feeretick that denyeth any one of thefe, that he denyeth an Effenrial Article of our faith. But for the ignorant weak Chriftian, I fay , i. He know- eth all thefeArticles that I have named ; bu: 2. perhaps not with fo ripe a manner of apprehenfion as is formed intomen. tal words, or which he can exprefs in words to others.: I find my Pelf in my !Indies, that I have fomtimes anapprehenfion.. of a Truthbefore I have ripened that conception for an ex-_ preílion. 3, And perhaps they arenot Methodical and Di- lima in their conceptions, and cannot fay that there are gift . fo many Articles. Every lick man can underftand what it, is to delire and accept of fuch a man to be his Phyfitian; ant herein he firft verilydefireth health, and fecondly defireth Phyfick as a means to Health; andthirdly, defireth the Phy. Titian its order to the ufe of that means, and fourthly , there in doth take him tobe a Phyfitian, and fifthly, to have come petent sk{II, and fixthly, to be in fome meafure faithful, to be trufted,and feventhly, loth place fore confidence in him,&ca all this and more is truly in hismind and yet perhaps they are not ripenedand meafured into fuch diftinct conceptions; as that he can diftinctly tell you all this in tolerabkLanguage,_ or doth obferve then as diftinct -Conceptions in himfelf ( and., whether lino intuits the eye and the Intellect may norfee ma ny Objects , though ah objeíitis , the acts mut be calledma4< ny and divers, is a Controverfie among Philofophers ; and as I remember Pet. Hurtad. de Mendoza affirmeth it.) But if you your (elves will form all thefe into diftinct concepti- cons, and askyour Catechif his judgement of them,.. its like he