Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(x,19) <tle can tnatc you Perceive at leaft by a rea or Nay ; that he understands them all. The new formed body of the Infant in the Womb bath all the Integral parts of a man ; you dnya et fo fmall that you cannot foeafily difcern them as may the do the fame parts when oEíleñial Article of faith knowledge of every particular truly in the weakeft Chriftian in the very moment of his con- verfion ; but perhaps it may be but by a ,more crude imper- fect Conception , that obferveth not every Article diftinctly, nor any of themvery clearly, but his knowledge is both too dim and teo confufed. And yetI mull fay that it is,not on- ly fuch as fome Papifts call a Virtual or 1trpiicite Faith or knowledge,As to believe only the General Revelation and the formal Object ; as that the Scripture is Gods Word, and God is true : or that whatever the Church propounds as an Article of faith is true; while they know not what the Church or Scripture doth propound : for this is not actual Chriftian faith, but fuch a part as a man may de that is no whererthis muchnfr ,yet force Papifts would .perfw< there is faxing faith,, though the perfon believe hot (yea, or -denyby the probable Doctrine of feducing Doctors) force of the forefaid Effential Articles. Argun,. t z . lithe terms [ F.ith in Chrifß,receivingChrifi; Refting'on Chrift, &c. J are tobe underftood asCivil,Poli- tical and Ethical terms in a moral fenfe, then tnuft we fuppofe that they lignifie many Phyfical a &, and not any one only. But thefe terms are to be thus morally underfood. Ergo.-- The Antecedent is proved thus. Terms are to be underttood according to the nature of theSubject and Doetrine : But the Subjeti and Doctrine of the Gofpel which ufeth thefe terms, is Moral Political': therefore the terms are agreeably tobe in- terpreted. The fame term in Phyfick. Law, Mathematicks; Soldiery . Navigation, Husbandry,è c. harh various ft fica rions : but Dill it muff be interp -etud according to the nature and ufe of the doctrine, Art or Science than maketh ufe of it. The consequence (if the Major is proved,becaufe it is-the are of Ethicks and Politicks thus to interpret fuch phrafes as Fib h a containing