Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(4 20) containing divers Phyfical Acts. Marriage is one Civil act but it is many Phyfical A&s : it contained) divers a&s of th.e tanderttanding concerning the Effentiais of the Relation : and divers as of the Will in contenting thereunto; and the out- ward words or tigns of Content, for making the Contract. So taking a min to be my King,rny General, my Tutor,Teacher, Paf{or, Phytician, Matter, all lîgnifie the acts of the Un- deritanding, Will and expretling Powers, which the feveral parts of the Objects do require. Argument 12. If there be many A&s befides Faith in Chrift, attendant on it, and fubfervient to it, which are none of the works which Para! excluded], and oppofeth faith to; then the Effential Arts of faith it felf are none of thofe works. But theAntecedent is true,as I prove in force inftan. ces : For a man to repent of fin, to confefs it , to believe and confers that we are unworthy of any Mercy , and unable to juftifie our felves or make fatisfa&ion for our fias,and that we are in abfoluce neceffi:y of Chriti, having no Righte- oufnefs, San&ification or Sufficiency of our own to take God for our Father reconciled in Chríft, and to Love him accordingly : to forgive our Brethren from the fenfe of Chrifts forgiving us ; to thew our Faith by fruitfull works and words. When Paul faith, Rom 4.4,5. [ To him that worketh the Reward is not of Grace] the meaning is not [ 7o him that repenteth,to hire that denieth him/elfandhis on Righ. teoufnef to hid 7ujlißication to him that confeBeth búfin, that lavethGod at a reconciled Father in Chrif, &c, Ì and when he faith, [ To him that Wort esh not, but believeth] the meaning is not [ tohim that lovetb not Clod, to him that repentethnot , thatfoesivetlo not o:herí,&c.but believeth. Obje&2:st yet it may be [ tohim that thinl¿eth not to bejrafli- fredby or for thefe, but by Faith.:] Anfwer i. Concom'tants and Subordinates may not be let in oppoficion;faith fuppofeth the Concoritancy anb Subferviency of thefe in and to Jai, lcation