Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(42' 1 ) fication. z, Believing in Chriils16,anfom,rnay as welt beex- cluded soo, if men think to be juflified for fo doing mertori- oufly. 3 . He that thinketh to be jul.tificd by any work in that way which is oppofed to Tuaification by Grace and Faith, mufl think to be juflified by the Merit of them, or without a Saviour, which all thefeGraces forementioned con- traditi. 4. God faith exprefly, that we mufi Repent and be converted, that our fi,is may be blotted out: and repent that, we way beforgiven : and ifwe confess our fins, he is faithfull and ; ¡oft toforgive us ate fins : and ifweforgive,we fball be forgiven; and that by works we are jujii6ed and not by faith only : andtbat by our words We f7d1 be ju[lifted : So that Pauli works which he oppofeth faith to,are neither 7apne's works,nor anyofthefe par- ticulars mentioned : for thee are made neceffary conditions or means of pardons and of fome fort of Jollification , fuch as Paids works could not contribute to,which were falfly ima- gined by the doers to make the Reward to be not of Grace Objea, There iI but one faith, Epb. 4.3. Anfwer. But but Debt. that One faith hath many Phyfical Acts orArticles, There is but one true Religion, but it hach many parts. There is but one Gofpel i but that one contanieth many particular Truths.