Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C4) AllittAlfiMPAM.AiffffgAt Onfec`â. I. To be ¡oft; led by Faith, is to be juftified by Faith in Chrift Ch.-if and not by any one part of that Faith, excluding any of its Effential parts. 2. To be juft -fled by Faith in Chrift as Chrift, and fo as Riling,. Teaching, Pardoning, Ruling, Judging, as well as fatisfying, the Saviour that bath undertaken all this, is not inFaris fcrfe to be juftified by works : therefore it is the true Juiti îr...donby Faith. 3. It is therefore unfound to make any one Act or part of Faith the fides qna 7uffificans, and the other Effen- tial parts to be the fides qua juflificat when no more can be Paid of any but that it is fides ex qua juflifacamur, and that may be Paid of all. q.. Though Faith be an Acceptance of Chria and Life as offered in the Gofpel fo that its very Nature or Efï'ence is morally Receptive , which may tolerab. ly be called its Metaphorical Pafíive Inftrumentality ; yet are we not juftified by it qua talk, that is,gua fdes,and fo not quatenus Inffrumentum tale Metaphoricum, vil Acceptatio, vel Receptiomoralis but quaconditio 7eflamenti vetfaderisprajfjra. 5. There-