Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( r9) theproper Pafiive Receiving, and this is.btit Juflifacari, and the man Receiveth it as the Subjea, and his faith is but a Conditi- on, or means of it : Or you mean the Moral alive '..iïÎetapho rical Receiving ; which is nothing but Confentin, that it Chaff be ours ; or accepting : And this is neither part of Ju`tificati= oon, nor proper Caufe s but a Conditions and but part of the Condition : And therefore hereyour meaning muff be one of thefe two , Either That A of Faith which it the accepting of ?ualrfication, is not the eying of' `7) y 'nion : To which I reply, Firft, taking it largely as a moral AO, its not true; for its comprehenfive of both, of which more anon : but taking it ftridly as one Phyfical Act, its true : Secondly, But then its nothing to the purpofe : For we are not more truly juftifyed by that Act which is the acceptingof Juftification, or Confent- ing to be juf}ified, then we are by the A cceptingof Chrif} for our Lord and Mafter ; the reafonof which, you have had before , and (hall have more fully anon ; or elfe you mean as before expreffed, That Ad of FaithWhich is our Contenting to -a f ißication, it the whole Condition cf our 7ufiification, and not the eying of Dominion ; But of that before. If I may Judge by your Doctrine elfewhere expreffed, you mean onlyThat tht ad of Faith which accepted) of 7uftification, is theonly In f ruv: ment of7llf ifìcation;of which in its dueplace: It may here fuffice to fay again, that I affirm not that in queftion to the be Inftru- ment of it.Be not offended that I enquire into the fenfe of your ambiguous phrafe, which I truly profefr, is to me not intelligi- ble, till you have explained inwhat fenfe it is that you intend it ; and therefore my enquiry is not needlefs. .fir. 3, If the Scripture doth ( not only by the fpecificke Deno- mination, as was !aft proved, but alto) by defcription, and men- tioning thofe very acts, include the believing in Chrift as our Lord and Teacher, &ca in that faith by which as a Condition, we are juftified ; then we are juftified by believing in Chrift as our Lord andTeacher, &c, not only as a facrifice or Meriter of Jufthtcation. But the Antecedent is true therefore fo is the Confequent. I prove the Antecedent by many Texts. Roaì, ao. 4,6,7,8,9,10. For Chrif is the_end of the Law D 2 for