for RightemHfnefs to every one that 6slievetb...----- -* But the Righteoufnefs Which is of ffieaketh on this wife Say not in thyheart, Who fh.tll afcend into Heaven ? that is to bring Chrif down from above : or who fhall defcend into the deep ? that is to bringup Chrifi againfrom the dead : But What faith it ?The word is nigh thee, even in shy mouth, andin thy heart, that is the word of faith which wepreach,, that ifthou(halt confefs with thy mouth theLord 'elms, and 'halt believe in thy heart that godrailed bins from the dead, thoufhait be laved ; forWith the heart man belie- vethunto Righteoufnefs,and with the mouthconfeon is made unto Salvation.] Here it is evident, that it is a Believingunto Righ- teoufnefs that is mentioned, and therefore it is the Believing by which we are juftified. And then it is evident that the faith here called [abelieving unto Righteoufnefs ] is the believing in the Lord fetus ; exprefly Chn& as Lord and Saviour,is made the Obje&of it; and is not confined to a believing in one part of his Priefthood only. Allo [that Godraifed Chrift from the dead] is theexpreífed obje&of this faith. And the Refurre&ion of Chrift is no part of his facrifice ormeer Prieftly Office. Rom.4.24,25. [ Butfor ue alfo, to *hone it (hallbe imputed, if we believe onbim that retiredup ?efue our Lord from the dead ] Here it is evident that it is Juftification it felf that is the Benefit fpoken of, even the Imputingof Righteoufnefs : And that faith here is mentioned as the Conditionofthat Imputation [Ifwe be- lieve] And that this faith is defcribed to be firft a believing in him that raised Chrif¢, andnot only i# Chrifl. Secondly, A be lieving in Chrifi ?Om our Lord, who is the exprefs obje&of it ; and fohisLordship taken in ; and thirdly, a believing in his Re- furreîtion, and not only in his blood or obedience. So that I fee no room left to encourage any doubting, whether we are juftifi- td bybelieving in Chrift as Lord, and in his Refurre3ion, and in God that railed him , as the Condition of our Juftification. ?ohn Í.g, I 1,I 2. [ That was the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He came to hie own,end bra own received himnot : But ses manyas received him, to :been gave he polder to become the fons of god to them that believe in his Name.] Here it is manifeft, Firft, that it is the faith by which weare juftified that is fpoken of; for its commonly agreed that