(Zr) that Jultification is here included in Adoption, or at leaft that its the fame al of faith by which we are adopted and justified. Secondly, Allo that the object of this faith is Chrift as the Light, which is not his meer Priefthood. Thirdly, And that it is his person in his full office, andnot force tingle benefit. Fourth- ly, thatit is called [ ha r 21(,ame J and [Believingin his Name] is more then confenting to be justified by his blood ; and in Scri- pture-tensecomprehendeth hisNature and Office : and is all one as taking him as the true Meffiah, and becoming his Difciplesi Fifthly, And its much to beNoted, that it is not by way ofPhy. fical efficacy byapprehenfion ( as I take Gold in my hand, and fo receive poffeffionof it ) that faith hash its nearer Interest in our Adoption : but it qualifieth the fubject difpofi-ively in the fight of God, and fo God gives men PoWer thereupon to become his fons. So the forecited words, lobe 3.3 I,3ß,3 6 Where Life is gi= venonCondition that we believe on theSon ; and that is expref- fed as the object of that faith, as he is one that L Cometh from He.tven,and to.t6ovea!, and whom theFather loveth, and bath gtvest all things into bus hands.] And fo lohn ß. 22.2 ,24. [ He loath committed alljudgement to the fon, that all men fh,uld honour the Son, even ae they honor the Father; Persil, verily, I layunto you, he that heareth my Word, andbelieveth on him that font me, bath everla/fing life, and (ballnot comeinto Condemnation ] Here the faith mentioned is that which freeth men from Con emnation, and therefore is it by which we are ruJfifled : And the object of it is the Word of Chrift ( and therefore not only his Priefthood ) and the Father as fendingtbe Son, even to his whole office of Redemption. Moreover, that faith by which our Juftification is continued, it is begun by this (both they and we are agreed in though foane yield not that any thing more is required to its continu- ance.) But the faith by which Justification is continued, is the Beliefofthe Gofpel, Which to preachedto every Creoture,and not only one branch of it. Col.1.21, s2, 23. And it is called, CoI.,... ó a ReceivingChrift lefut the Lord. John 20.3 I. Thefe things are Written, that ye Might believe that lefou is the Chri, thefan of God and that believingye might D 3 have