(z3) defcribed which bath the Promife of Remiffion. And the Objeft of it is at large fet out to be 7efus Chriji as Lord of all, ver. 36. as anointed With the Holy Gheft andWith power,raifed from the dead, andmade the ?sedge of the quick and the dead ; and it is called entirely a Believing in him, and the Remifiìon is through his name. er4a. 16. 3 1. The faith of theJaylor as perfwaded to for life: is the believing in the Lord rfus Chr/entirely : and ittcalled a Beliewing in God, ver.34. i Tet.2.4,5,6,7. The faith there mentioned is that By which we are juftified ; he thatbelieveth onhimfh.all not be confounded; and the Objet ofit is, whole,Chrift as the Corner fione,EleCi dtsd Precious.] ?ohn 5. zo, i I, a z. [The faith therementioned, is that by which we have Chg and Life] : And?the Objee&of it is, [ the Son of Cod ] and [ god } and [ the record that Godgave of hid Son] even [ that Godbathgiven Hi eternal Life, and this life is in hts Son.] clat, 11.27,z8,z9. The faith there mentioned, is called [ acommin, to Chrift weary and heavy, laden , thathe maygive them reft ] which muft comprehend Reft from the Guilt of fin and punifhment. And theA& of that Faith is direeted toChrift as one to whom all PoWer ie givenby the Father, and as one whole yoak and burden we muft take upon us. ButI thall add no more for this. To this Taft Mr. Blake faith, pal. 564. This Text ¡hem the Duty of men to be, not alone toPeek refi and ease fromChrift,:lue to learn ofChrìfl andfollow him : But neither their learning nor their imitation, but falth in his blood, is their freedom or yatif_ cation. Repl. Properly neither one ad of faith nor other is our Juftification. Faith h a 7uaiity in the Habit,--and an a& in the exercife: and Juftification is a Relation. Faith is a part ofour San&ification ; Therefore it is not our JuRification.But fuppofing you (peak Metonymically, I fay both as of faith are our Jultification,that is, the Condition ofit. Arid'the Text proves ir, by making our Subjection not only a Duty, but an expr.efs Condition of the Promife. And this Conditi- onality you here before and after do confefs or grant. Argument..-