(z6) that theymay be ¡unified :. And this Chrift loth as the Teacher of hisChurch. And Faith muft accordingly refpect him. Thirdl'y,The Refurre&.onofJefus Chrilt was part of his ex- altation by Power and Conqueft, and not of his Humiliation; and yetwe are ¡unified by his Refurrecioit, as that whichboth Chewed the perfection ofhis fatisfa&ion, & by wh chileentred upon that ftate of Glory,inwhich he was to apply the benefits. Fourthly, 'The I nterceflion of Chrift is a part of his office, as he is a Prieft for ever after the order of t.Melchizedeck..: but it is no part of his Humiliation or Ranfome. And yet we are jüftified by his Interceffìon :. And therefore Faith muft refpct it for Juftifìcation.. Let us now hear what The Scripture faith in thefe cafes, Mattthew 9.6. [But that you may know that the Son of man bath Power on earth to forgive fins, &c. ] Here it is plainly madean piet ofPç wer,and not of Humiliation,to forgive fins. ,mat. 11. 27,28, 29. ill things are deliveredunto me of my Father, Scc. Come to me allye that are weary, &c. fo Mat: 28. 18, 19. compared with Marke16. t 5.,16. fhew that it is an acct of Chrift exaltedor in PoWer,,topardon , or grant the promi fe of Grace. yob's r. 12. 'ro givepower tomen to become theSons of au(t be an aEt of ower. ?Ohl; 5.22,23,24, it is exprefs of the fentence. QAEts s. 3,i. [Idem bathGod exalted to be a Prince anda Savi- our, for togive Repentance to Ifraelaced forgivenefs o f fins. ] He forgiveth as a Princeand Saviour. 4E?. 1o.42,43. he is preached as the sedge of quick and dead, and fo made the. Objedof the faith, by which, we have Remiffion of fins. Rom.4.25. [who wau delivered for our offences, and raifedfor our jriffifiéation.lAnd this RefurreEtion(as is faid)was part ofhis Exaltation. And the Apoflle thence concludes (as is aforefaid) that this is the faith that is Imputed to us for Righteoufnefs [If we believe: in him,that - raifed up 7efiu our Lord from the dead.] verf.26. Rom.8.33,34 [Who fhalllay any thing to the charge of Gods Val a it is g od that jtf ifaith : who is he that condemneth ? it is Chrif