Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(Z7) Chrit that bed, yea rater that id r:f'ènagain who is evenat tiw right bandof God Ph. alo maketh intercefon forte. j Here God, and the RefisrreRion, and Sefon at god, right hand , and the interceffion o Chrif#, are all made the grounds or caufes of our Jullification, and not only Chrifts death ; Yea, it is expreft by [ it ù Chrffl that died, yea rather that is rfen,&c. i Cor.15.1,2.3,4. The faith by which Paul tells , "hem they were faved, had Chriffs Refurre&ion for its obje&, as well as his dying for our fins. Paull way of Juftification was firft to [ wins Chrifi, and be found in him ] and fo tohave a Righteoufnefs of God by faith in Chrifi ( whole Chrift, ) andnot that ofthe Law s that he ht know the power ofhis ReforreE7ion: &c. The crue Nature of this faith is defcribed, i Pet.i.2i. [ who by him do beleve in God that rafedLim from the dead, andgave himGlory, that your Faith and Hope may be in God.] i Per. 3.2 r . [ The like Firure Whereunto even Baptifm , dotk n®w alfo f ve us -- by the ReJurreElion of 7efus Chrifi who is gene into Heaven, and is on the right hand ofGod ; iingels and flu- thorities, andPolders, being ruade ¡ubjeEi to h m.1 It is certain that the falvation of Baprifin confit"fiethvery much in Remiílion of fin or Juftification. In a word, it is molt evident in Scripture, that merit and fatif fa&ionare but the moral, remote preparatory Caufes ofour Ju- ftification ( though exceeding eminent , and mutt be the daily ftudy,and everlafting pralle of the Saints ) and that the per- fe&ing nearer efficient caufes, were by other ads of Chrifi; and that all concurred to accomplíth this work. And therefore even exparte ("hrifl i the work is done by his feveral acts, though merited by him in his humiliation only. And therefore it s pale doubt on their own principles that faith mutt all,in order to our Juffificatieln.. And the faith by which we are juftifred mutt be that of the Eunuch, zitit 8.37. that believed W th a'i his heart eh t Chri,{ Was she (on ofGod, and fo received him as Chrift entirely. Argument . If it be a neceffary Condition of our bang ;aptited for the Remiffion of fin , that we trufefs a b: liefin,tnore then Ctirifts Humiliation and merits then is it a neceifery Condi- E don