Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

zg) Zionofour afiu:rllic snifon offin, that we really believe in more than Chrifts Humiliation and Merits : But the Antecedent is certain.For thePrefcript,Mat.a8. c9,zo,and thecon1antlyufed form of Baptif n, and the Texts even nowmentioned, 1 'Per.3. 21. ,Ac 1.8.37,do all thew it : And I have more fullyproved it in my Difpute of Right to Sacraments. And the Confequence is undeniable : And i think all will be granted. cifigument 6. Ifthe ApoftlesofChrill themfelves beforehis death, were ¡unified by believing in him as the fon of God, an- the Teacher andKing of the Church, (yea perhapswithout bed lieving at all in his Death and Ranfom thereby) then the belie ving in him as the fon of God , and Teacher and King , con jun& with believing in hisblood, are the faith by which we are now ¡unified, But the Antecedent is true : therefore fo is the Confequent. The reafon of the Confequence is, becaufe it is utterly im. probable that the addition of further light and objecis for our faith, thould null the former, and that which was all or fomuch of their ¡unifying faith, should be now nopart ofours. The Antecedent I prove, cl4atth.16.21.22,23. time forth began Plus to ,flaw unto his Difciples, how that he mull go unto7erufaiern, and fuffer many things of the Elders and chiefPrief$s andScribes, and be killed,andbe railedagain the third day : then Peter took him andbegan to rebuke h,:m, laying, Be it far from thee Lord,this (hall not be unto thee ] &co John 12. 16. Thefe things underflood not his Difciples at the firft ; but when 7efus was glorified, then,&c. Luke 28. [Then he took unto him the twelve, and faidunto them ; Behold, we go up to ferufdlem, . and all things that are Written by the Prophets concerning the fan ofman, Ballbe accomplifhed : For he (ball be delivered to the Gentiles, and [hall be mocked andffritefully entreated and 11):t upon, and they lhall feourge him andput him to death, and the third day he (hallrife again : And they under, ood none oftheJe things ; and thü faying was hid frost,: them, neither knew they the things which Were fpoken, Luke 2. .2O,zI,22.. (Thechief `Priefts and Rulers delivered himP' be condemned todeath, andhave crucified h' but We tru and be ed it hadbeen he which fbould have redeemed f fide