Ç24) curndi1 Clot if! as King cloth condemn byway of merit; therefore accepting-him ais King cloth lave by way of merit ] This was none ofmy arguing : tut this [ RejeCling or not believing in Chrift u King, is part of that Vnbelief which ù by the Law of grace, threatned with condemnation : therefore acceptingor belie- ving Chrifi as King part of thatfaithwhich bath the Promife of peftilicationi And fo if a Papifi fliould argue, not ad moduni procurandi, but adnaturaan at-less & effeHi I would juffifie his Argument E Raigningfin, Rebellion,or the abfence of Evalselical good Works,is Threatned by theGofpel rith condemnation ar Tadge- vnent : therefore good works have the Promife of falvation, or jts- ftiftation at 7adgement.] And that I may and mutt thus unclerflarti the Condemning Threatning, and the Jullifyingprornife, to fpeak of one and the fame faith, I am affured by this: becaufe it is ant with God in fcripture to imply the one in the other. As in the Law of works with perfed ma ,the promife was not expreff, but imply- ed in the Threatning[ in the day that thou eatefl thereof, thou fbalt die. J So in the Gofpel the Threatning is oft implyed in thepromife [He that believeth /hall not perifh J When the Lord faith [ The foul that finreth fhalt die -1 It implyech that [ the foul thatfinnethnot fhallnot die. ] And though we cannot fay the like of the prohibitionof Bating the forbidden fruit,that is, becaufe the fame Law did on the fame terms prohibite all other fin as well as it. And [ in the day that thou finneft, thou !halt die J doth imply [if thou fin not, thou fhalt not die. So [he that believeth, fhall befaved,] cloth imply, he that believeth not, fball be condemned. And fo, If thou believe, thceifbalt be juflified, implyeth, If thou believe not, thosefhalt not be jufiified. Ifyou confent not to this, you thenmutt maintain that this Co-. venant excludethnot Infidels from falvation,the term only being not implyed in the promife of pardon to Believers : But if you grant all this, ( as lure you will ) then it is moll evident that Believing is taken in the fame fenfe in the promife, and in the threatning : For no manbreathing can tell me, either how a Promife to one kind of faith,, can imply a threatning againft the want of another kind or a& of faith ; or elfe what that other faithmutt be that is fo implyed, if not the fame. And if