Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

43 ) if it be the fame faith that is implyed ( which is a moil' evident truth ) then it w.11 follow that if i prove the Threatned unbe - lief to be a ?>ejedçng of Chriat as King, the faith then that is made the condition of the promife,multt be the acceptingof him as King as well as Pried. But I have proved that not be- beving in (brill as Ding, is part of the unbelief that is fpecial. 1.y threatned weith rrondemnation : therefore believing in him as Icing is part of that faith which bath the promife, or is the Condition cif Jutlification. But faith Mr. R, k,-, [ L further anfivcr RejeE mn Chrif1 as King, is a Ii-,,,i ag. i lit the moral. Law, whichdamn) :Yetfome- what more then fabj,ninn to the (-Moral Law is requited that a firmer may be f ,ved ], Rep1_ For my part, I know na Law but moral Law. Its aftt nge Law that is not Moral as it is a ftrange rA,1imal that is not gvii Phjf caam. But yet I partly underhand what force others mean by the phrafe (../Moral L %W, ; bnt v hat you mean I cannot tell, for all your two vol.umns. And its to (mall purpofe to dcfpute upon terms whore fenfe we be not agreed in, nor do not underhand one another in:: And you muff better agree with yourfelves before you agreewithme : I cannot re- concile thefefpeeches. Mr. Blake of the I know no other Rule bnt the old Rule Covenant, rag. .; . the Rule of the Moral L.a13o : that is with i II. me a Rule,aperfeíl Rule,and the only Rule. Mr. B!, ,kf here. Yet foneWhat more then .fithjeElion to the pas. 563. . Moral Law is required, that a pmer may befaxed. I am confident you will allow nt: to think you mean fome- what more ems parte.notiri; and not only ex parte Corif1 : And can thatfomcwhat more be required without any Rule requiring it ? And yet I. find you foenetimes feerning offended with me, for telling you I underhand you not. But I further anrwer you : The rejaaing of Oral as King, is no furthera tin againí the Moral Law, then the acceptinghim as King, is a duce of the Moral I aw.. Will you n. )t believe thiswithout a Difpute , when you are told by Paul, tlhat_where there is no Law, there is no tranJgreon,andlfewhere that ji4 is a G 2 iriuef re on