. . The Preface. . "· . ... . - Chritl!ian·R:eaQetS,, · p:eve»t your, trot~Me t:ndmifumler· f!.anding .in the peraf~tl 1[thefeDif– pt~Mtions: I ha«Je·· tw' ·things here, . .. iiJ.the~· entrance 10 acq:uaint ryou with. Firft; 7h~ ·ttccafion ·of·afl thefe·wri"' ·tings : Secondly, Tbe · erur jf.au of 1 the Cimtroverfies here 11M1htget/. The · firft 1Jtfimt~ttion il #pon. A ·fl...t~t{lton• of conftJerahle 'IVtig/ii:; whetheri Chri:fr' 114 ' 0hrift, ana [ff- .U P1"Ut1 pbet-, Pricjl;andf\ing, be the abje.ll of that F~#h by which wt- are · juflified ~ Thflee points efpeciaUr ·1111· . Jt~perendBrother ,Mr. :Blake,· wm plea-J~d . to p11blijb hi&. ~R-e~faiu· againfl~ whicli:'inmy Aph0rifins· -f. •.had affert·eJ~ Thefe b~-ing ~vindrcA~Y:d·by ~-'"~1~tJJ at~ 'Apollgi'4; he~emtre4. the conflitl~n h!s Tteatif-e ofthe ·Sacram_mt.s. '1.\b.e fi"ft A 3 ' Abosl , I .