Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(44) tranfgrefjionof the Law ? And need not Rand toprove that the fame Lawwhich is the Rule prefcribingduty, is the Rule difco- vering fn, even that fin which is the Privation of that duty. I defire no Readers that will not receive thefe things without any more arguing. Mr Biaoe adds:[ Vnbelief,i fWefpeak properly, dòthnot at all condemn, further the.a a, it u a breath ofa Moral Commandment. Theprivation of Which yeti f eak, only holds. the fentenceof the La* in force and older aganft us which me thinks fhculd be yeurjudgement as Well ai mine, fetingyou areWont toa coanpae t%;e newLaw as you call at ) to an aßí of oblivion :. A;ad al ca CZ of oblivionfives many,but condemns none. ----- 1 Repl.It i s in more then one thing I perceive that we differ. Put this is a truth that you mutt not fo eafily takeout of our hands. Though having had occafion to fpeak largely of it elfewwere, I fhall fay but little now. Firlt, Again I know no Commandmentthat is not moral. But if-you mean by .Moral the Commandment either meerly as delivered by Mofes, or as written in Nature ; I am not of your mind, nor ever' (hall be. To be void of the belief of thefe Articles of the faith[ that this 7efies is the ChrifI, that he Was allually conceivedbt the Holy Gho,fl,born of the Virgin Mary, [offeredunder Pontius Pilate, 4,as crucified, dead and buried : Rófe again the thïrdday, afcended into ¡leavers; fittetb an our nature at the right hani ofGod ; gave the Hr=ly Gho, jl to hia Apoftles to confirm the 'DoEtrine of the Çofpel with many more; Both cou- demn further then as it is a breach either of the Mofaical or Natural Law : yea in forme refpec`fs as it is no breach ofthofe Laws. And yet the fame fin materially may be a breach of feveral Laws ; and condemned by feveral. Secondly you :ver° much miltake my judgement here , if you think it the fame with yours : Nor will the mention of an-aaofoblivion jultíhe your Waiftake.4J íuppofe an ARofobli- vionmay poflibly have a Penalty anexed,(`as, that all that fiend our, and accept not of this pardon by fuch a year or day , (hall be remcdilefs, and lyable to a greater Penalty,') And I think if no, Penalty be named, there is one implyed. For