Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

ThePreface'; about the Sacraments I have defendedagain in aVolume by it (elf. The fecond is this inhand . which I bad fj oijb- ed about fifteen or ßxteenmonths ado. The third is about the Intrumental efficiency ofFaith to our fu,lificatien, ofwhich i had .31fo begun above 4 twelve month five. But it bath lately ?leafedour wife andgracious Lord to call this ReverendBrother to himfelf : whereupon,though this fir/I Difputation wasgonefofar,thit ¡couldnot well recall it,yet the others ,whichwas not out of mypower, I re-. folved to condemn toperpetual filence.l fyouaskme it rea- fon ofthis refolution, t malt de/Ire that my di fpo/ìtion and pafsionmaygofor part ofa Reafon this once. The grief ofmy heart for the lofs ofthis precious fervant ofChrift would notpermit me toappear any further in a way that Teemed to militate with the dead , and with one whofe death, we have all fo much came to lament. _4las, that our fin Mould provoke our dear Father , to put out the precious Lightsof his Santluary, and tocall in fuck experienced faithful Labourers , while ignorance, and error, and prophanefs, and all Vice doth fo plenteoufly furvive. When thefe plants ofHell do thrive upon as, under all our care to weed them up : what willthey do when the Vineyard is leftdefolate ? Though Godinmercy is railing up a fupplyof young sues, that may come to be Pillars in their Styes : yet alas, what difference will the Church findbetween thefe, and theirgrave experien- cedGuides : and bowmany years Rudy, andexperience, and patience, is necefjary to ripen thefe tender plants, to bring them to the gesture, and ftability, andfirengthof fuck a this Blued fervant of chrifi, that is now taken from us. The fenfeof our lofs clothmake it doubly bit- ter tomy thoughts, that ever Iwas unhappilyengagedin anywayof [crying the Lord of Truth, which muff con- sein 4C,777---