Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 55 ) tion or Collationof the fruits of his . blood, and fo is much of- his Kingly and Prophetical office too. .4'ír. Blake. Secondly, That which the Sacraments under the Cjofpel, letting forth Chrift for pardon offn, leadus unto, that our faith weft eye for Reconciliation, Pardon and 7ufltifscation. This it clear. Chrifr< in his oWxr inftitutedordinances Will not mtf.. gusde us; 73 set theft le<rd its to Chriffuffering, dying for the par- don offin, Mat 26 28. A broalen, bleeding, dying Chrift 14 the Lardr 'upper is received. R&ply,Firft,I bode you wouldnot make the world believe that I deny it ; Did I ever exclude a dying Chrift from the obje& . of juflifying faith ? But what ftrange A-guments are thefe,that arefuch {hangers flat to thequeftion ? yon prove the inclufiori of [ faith in Chrift dying, j but do not ft much as mention the exclufionof the ocher ads of faith, which is the thing that was incumbent onyou. Secondly , If you fay that [ only ] is meant by you, though not expreffed, then ! further reply,that this i.rgument labou2 ingof the fame difeafe with the latt, requ reth no ocher anfwer. Firft , The Sacraments being not the wnole Cofpel,you.cannot prove your Exclufion frona them unlefs you prove fomewhat examfive in them ( which you attempt not,that fee,) Secondly, Ifthere- fore you underftand the Minor exclufivel y as to all other parts of Chriffs office,I deny it, and the texts cited fay not a word to prove it. thirdly-And if they did,yet faithmay eye a dying Chrift only as purchafing Pardon ; and yet ex parteChrifti that a& that fo eyeth himmaynot be theonly a& that is the condition of our Title to a dying Chtift or to the pardon purchafed. Fourthly,And yet(though it would not ferve your turn)even ex parteChri/ti, your exclufion is fo,far from being proved that its contradi&ed both by the Sacraments and by Scriptures : much more exparte noftri,your excufionof the "other a&s offaith.For, FirR,ln Baptifm its.apparent(which is appointed for our folemn initiation into a hateof Juftification ; which the Lords Supper. isnot. ) Firff, Chrift foundeth it in his Dominion, (Mat. 28. 18. ../fI/polder isgiven to me in Heaven andEarth ; goye there. fore&c. Secondly, He maketh the very nature of ,it to be an enteringcnen intó a hate of Difciples, and. fo engaging them. to