Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(56) tohim as their Ma[1er, ver. 19. Go ye therefore-nndDifcip?e ( cr teach ) all 2(,ations, baptizing them. Thirdly The words ofthe Jews to John( If thou benot that Chril nor Elias, nor that Prophet, Why baptize(' thou? John I.2,5. ) and their flocking to bis baptifm, and the wordsof Paul, i Cor. iq.. 15. ( I thank God that I bai:tined none of you, -- ltfl anyfhouldfay , that I baptized in my own name)doplainly (hew that baptizingwas then taken, as anentering into a Rate of DIfciples. And i have be- fore proved that bapdfrn Both lift us under Chrift the Comman- derKing and Matter of the C bumf). Fluffily, And therefore theChurch bath ever baptized into the name of the Father;Son and HoyGhoft, with an ab: enunciationofthe teeth, the world and the devil, not only as oppofite to Chrifts blood, but as op- pofites to his Kingdom and Doctrine. F:frhly, And the very water fignifieth the fpirit of Chrift as well as his blood : Though I thinknot, as Mr. r )1ead that it fignifieth the fpirit only. Sixthly, And our coming from under thewater was to figaifie our Refurreaftion withChrift, as Rom. 6. fhews. So rhgt it is certain that Chrift in all parrs of his office is propounded in bap- tifm tobe the object of our faith, and this baptifm comprizing all this, is faid tobe [ for the Rem.fnn of fin.] Secondly, And though the Lords fupper fuppofe us juftified, yet he underftandeth not well what he doth, that thinks that Chrift only as dying is there propounded to our faith. For,Firft, Inour very receiving we profefs Obedience to Chrift as King, that bath enjoyned it by his Law. Secondly, And to (brill our Teacher that bath taught us thus todo. Thirdly, The figns thernfelves are a vifible word (of Chrift our Teacher) and teachus his fufferings, promífes, our duty, &c. Fourthly, By faking,eating,anddrinking,we renewour Covenant with Chrift; And that Covenant is made with himnot only as Prieft, but as the Glorified Lord and Kingof the Church. On his part the thing promifed which the Sacrament fealeth,is, ( not that Chrift will dye,for thats done already, but) that Chrift will min, ally pardon us on theaccount of his merits. And thishe dor1 as King : and that he will fan tifie, preferve, irengthen, and glorifie us : all which he doth as King, though he purcbafed them as a facrifice. On our part we deliver ripour felVestobitn to