(f9) and It it cod that jsilfifieth : who is he that condemned, ? -Cbrifl that dyed, yea, rather that is rifenagain who it even at the right hand of ggod; whoalto maketh InterceJon for rus, Ronic8 3 3, 3 4. he that believeth all thefe texts will not add only to the firft,at !raft if he underftand them; for they do not contradic` each other. Well ! but you marvel' at my queftion l I am glad of that ! Are we fo well agreed, that you marvel( at my fup- pofition of this difference ? 7"'o fatisfie you, my queftion im- plyed this Argument. If the Refurrection, Interceflion, r c. be not in thole texts excluded, nor faith in them, then we may not addon/y to interpret them but d-c.Ergo. But,et us hear the reaforis of your marveling. Firff, As to Obedience, you fay His shedding of bloodWas in Obedience. An- fwer. But though all blood-filed was in Obedience, yet all Obedience was not byblood -flied, nor fuffering neither. And the text Rom. s .19. feems to fpeak of Obedience as Obedience, and not only as in blood flied. Secondly,You fay His ReforreElion'was hisfreedom, &c. "Inf. But Suffering is one thing,and freedom from fuffering is another thing. Therefore faith to ourjulbification muff eye Chri Its con- quelf and freedom from death as well as his death it felt...Moreo- ver, RefurreetÃon was an act of Power, and his Entrance on his Kingdom,and not a meer act of Priefthood : Nor will you ever prove that faith ( to Juftification ),muff only look at the Refurrection as connoting the death fromwhich he rifeth. Thirdly, You fay , Hse Intercefon isfounded on his blood,&c. eArnfcper. So is his Kingdom and Lordfhip, Bon. 14 9. Mat. 28. 8. 'Phil. 2.9,10. It feems then faith inorder to Juftification muff not only look at.Chriftsblood,but that which is foundedon it. His Government, inLegiflation , Judgement Execution, is all founded in his blood. &c. becaufe he bath drank of the brook in the Way , therefore did he lift up the Head , Pfalme 110.7. You add He Interceeds by Merit. Anfwer. Not by new pnrchafing Merit, but by the virtue of his former Merit, and the collation of the effects of it from the Father. And fo he Reigneth and Governethboth by virtue of former Merit, and for, the applying that Merit and attainingof its Ends. 12 Whereas